Maroon Academy for Teaching Excellence

Maroon Academy for Teaching Excellence

Empowering Educators: Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Leadership.

Maroon Academy for Teaching Excellence Logo


The Maroon Academy for Teaching Excellence is a certificate program for faculty in university teaching. This four-course certification represents Mississippi State University's highest level of commitment to teaching and provides teachers with evidence-based practices to improve course outcomes, promote student engagement, foster an inclusive course environment, and support student learning. Each course is taught asynchronously online and supported by MSU faculty; the classes are designed to assist participants in building practical resources for their courses.

Content and Schedule

There are four courses in the Maroon Academy for Teaching Excellence. These five-week summer courses are delivered asynchronously online, but they also require implementation of practices during a regular semester. Each course culminates with a final self-evaluation and reflection useful for demonstrating teaching effectiveness:

  1. Intentional Course Design and Assessment, taught by Dr. Stephanie King

  2. Active Learning for Student Engagement, taught by Dr. Nicole Miller

  3. Inclusive Teaching to Welcome All Learners, taught by Dr. Melody Fisher

  4. Supporting Student Learning in Class and Online, taught by Dr. Athena Nagel

Recognition of Faculty Support

With contributions by:


LaToya Bogard

Harish Chander

Jim Dunne

Anastasia Elder

Melody Fisher

Terri Hernandez

Kris King

Stephanie King

Athena Nagel

Lesley Strawderman

Kim Walters

Taught by:

Stephanie King

With contributions by:

Classroom Observations:

Brian Blank

LaToya Bogard

Morgan Green

Caroline Kobia

Saeed Rokooei

Holli Seitz

Lesley Strawderman

Eric Vivier

Taught by:

Nicole Miller

With contributions by:

Faculty Interviews:

John Ball

Silvina Barrera Lopez

Melody Fisher

Amy Fountain

Aaron Grimes

Amy Knight

Sandra Orozco-Aleman

Aswathy Rai

Jordan Spencer

Ashley Vancil-Leap

Taught by:

Melody Fisher

With Contributions by:


Zach Ahonle

Anastasia Elder

Kasia Gallo

Christa Haney

Kris King

Christopher Little

Athena Owen Nagel

Sheida Riahi

Taught by:

Athena Owen Nagel


Individuals who hold academic status as Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor are eligible to apply.

Please note, at this time lecturers are not eligible for this particular program. We welcome your participation in our other events, workshops, and programs.

To maximize the impact of the program, the application review committee will give special consideration to the following:

  • Applicants' teaching loads and class sizes
  • Applicants' class levels and course requisite standings
  • Applicants' course loads, including classes that have traditionally had high DFW rates

Each cohort is limited to 30 participants. A new cohort will be accepted every year of the program; the certificate takes two years to complete.

Application and Deadline

Applications must be submitted as a PDF document to the Center for Teaching and Learning by email to by Friday, April 4, 2025. Participants will be notified by Thursday, April 17, 2025.

Download Application Download Application

Incentives and Recognition

Participants will receive a stipend upon completing each course.

  • Course 1: $250
  • Course 2: $500
  • Course 3: $750
  • Course 4: $1000

Note: Stipends will be dispersed after implementation in a regular semester.

In addition, a badge micro-credential will be awarded for each course completion and a certificate will be awarded upon completion of the program. Certified teachers will also be recognized in the following ways:

  • Recognition at the Center for Teaching and Learning's Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
  • Identification on the Center for Teaching and Learning website
  • Formal written documentation of completion (copied to the Department Head)

Program Graduates

Dr. Patty Ann Bogue - Management & Information Systems

Dr. Brecken Chesser - Teacher Ed & Leadership

Katie Doughty - English

Dr. Evan Kaplan - Biological Sciences

Cody Fondren - Classical & Modern Languages & Literature

Dr. Jeanette Fontaine - Music

Amy Fountain - Communication

Abigail Good - Mathematics & Statistics

Dr. SaMin Han - Landscape Architecture

Caroline Hatfield - Art

Matthew Kilpatrick - Mathematics & Statistics

Dr. Angela Mulkana - Teacher Ed & Leadership

Dr. Aswathy Rai - Biochemistry, Nutrition, Health Promotion

Dr. Sheida Riahi - Marketing, Quantitative Analysis, & Business Law

Dr. Ashley Schulz - Forestry

Dr. Aaron Smith - Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Kim Smith - Teacher Ed & Leadership

Dr. Emily Stinson - English

Dr. Sean Stokes - Chemistry

Dr. Brandi Sumrall - Education (Meridian)

Bob Swanson - Physics & Astronomy

Dr. Benjamin Tkach - Political Science & Administration

Dr. Ashley Vancil-Leap - Sociology

Aaron White - Architecture

Dr. Bryan Whittenton - Plant & Soil Sciences